Being No. 1 in search engines

Before the site we have in the order in the forefront of the Search Engine, it's good to do first the following

This is Important, People always menggangap to go in the Big 10 ranked search engine we have to do SEO, but not necessarily true, just do a few simple steps are among others

1. Are the keywords you search for the target?

Is useless if you are struggling to do SEO for keywords that you target, but that does not have the type of keywords on the Google page.

Or even the type, the number is very small.

2. Do you target keywords that have many competitors?

The more competitors you, the more difficult for your site to appear on the first page of Google. The fewer competitors you, of course easier for your site to appear on the first page of Google.

We suggest that you target keywords that competitors in the bottom of the page 50000.

What's it mean?

Back to the example above, for example, you go to Google and type "Internet Business" (with quotes):

You may ask why use quotes "" when searching for information on Google?

Try us see what is happening when you type keywords without using quotation marks, it will be normal with the soaring number of very significant

The question

Lho koq can?

If you use quotation marks, that means you want to search for keywords "Internet Business" with the word order of the first "Business", said the Internet ". This means sites that have keywords" Internet Business "or" Internet Business "will not appear on Google search pages.

If you do not use quotation marks, that means the home sites that have the word "Business", "Internet" (without the need to have a certain sequence position) will appear on the search page.

3. Is your site content is useful enough that the number of OK?

If your site is empty (no content at all) or contentnya little, you should fill your site first before making SEO to bring traffic.


Because when visitors come and see your site is empty or only have a little content, they will berpersepsi (although not necessarily correct) that your site is the "newbie".

They will think like: "This site wah koq ga ya have its place, and made sure the new owner of the newbie I still situsya, mending gue searching other sites aja" ...

In addition to the amount of content, note also the quality of contentnya. A gratuitous amount of content your page in 1000, but its content is not qualified or weight.

You are struggling to do SEO and get a visitor, but as your site is empty / almost empty and not quality, visitors finally fading from the site and you will not be back again: sad:

4. SEO is not everything

SEO is important and can provide visitors to your site for free, but SEO is not everything.

In some forum and a lot of sites that seem to "men idolize" SEO as if to bring a visitor can only be through a way, that is SEO.

SEO is just one way in the many ways to bring visitors to your site. There is still a lot of visitors such as how to bring the research I have been in the previous post.

Conclusion is: before you do SEO for your site, you should consider it in the top four, namely:

- Make sure the keywords

- We recommend you target keywords that competitors have a page under 50,000

- Fill your site with useful content that the amount is quite okay

- SEO Sadarlah only one way to bring visitors to your site, and there are many ways to bring visitors

In conclusion: Just do Structural analysis in Point 4 that I mentioned, you can enter the site of 10 in search engine


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